BeNa Culture Collection
Culture medium | Nutritional gravy medium (English name: NA/NB): beef paste 3.0g, peptone 10.0g,NaCl 5.0g, agar 20.0g (not included in liquid medium), distilled water 1.0L,pH 7.0. Sterilization at 121 ℃ for 15min. [Note] Adding 5 mgMnSO4 · H2O to culture Bacillus is beneficial to produce spores. |
Subculture procedure | Experimental preparation: Before the experiment, the sample was cultured with reference to T/SDAQI 005-2021; the various components in the kit were dissolved on ice, slightly mixed and temporarily centrifuged, and then placed on ice for later use; Reagent preparation: experimental reaction system (25 μL),qPCR mixed reaction solution 18.5 μL, template 1 μL, sterile ddH2O5.5μL Reaction conditions: 95 ℃, 1min, 1cycle;95 ℃, 10s, 50 ℃, 30s, 40cycle; Fluorescence channel: FAM. |
Growth conditions | Culture temperature 37 ℃; Culture time 18-24 hours; Aerobic gas environment; |
Storage conditions | -20 ℃, cold storage |
Safety level | 2 |
Separation substrate | Blood culture |
application | It is used for rapid detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in food and cosmetics. |
Sharing mode | Public welfare sharing |
Certificate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nucleic Acid Detection Kit
1. Product information
Sample name: Pseudomonas aeruginosa nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescence PCR method)
Sample number: 361453
Sample batch: 2200505
2. Product features
Description | Packaged in 1.5mL cryovials, containing reaction solution, positive quality control material, negative quality control material, ddH2O |
Traceability | ATCC27853 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ATCC23483 Pseudomonas putida |
Product specifications | 1 tube of reaction solution, 1 tube of positive quality control product, 1 tube of negative quality control product, 1 tube of ddH2O water |
Field of application | Suitable for rapid detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in food and cosmetics |
*Note: If you have any questions about this kit, please contact our center (BNCC) for help before use |
3. Instructions
Sample processing: Refer to "SN/T 5228.9-2019 Rapid Screening Method of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Exported Foods for Pseudomonas aeruginosa" for enrichment culture; Experiment preparation: Dissolve various components in the kit on ice before use, slightly Mix well, centrifuge briefly, and place on ice for later use; Reagent preparation: experimental reaction system (25 μL), 18.5 μL of qPCR mixed reaction solution, 1 μL of template, 5.5 μL of sterile ddH2O; Reaction conditions: 95℃ for 1min 1cycle; ℃ 30s 40cycle; Fluorescence channel: FAM.
4. Notes
1. Sample processing, reagent preparation, and sample addition should be carried out in different areas to avoid cross-contamination;
2. To ensure the sensitivity of the detection, it is recommended that the qPCR mixed reaction solution be frozen and thawed no more than 3 times;
3. Judgment of results: if the Ct value of the test sample is greater than or equal to 40 and there is no typical amplification curve, it is judged as negative; if the Ct value of the test sample is less than or equal to 40 and there is a typical amplification curve, it is judged as positive; if the test sample is tested Ct values >35 and <40 suggest that the sample be redone.
5. Preservation and transportation
long-term storage:-20 ℃, valid for 1 year; Transportation conditions: dry ice transportation.
Henan Engineering Technology Research Center of Industrial Microbial Strain
website: tel: 400-6699-833