Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)(pET-32a(+)-ORF10)|BNCC354668 |BNCC

BeNa Culture Collection

  • Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)(pET-32a(+)-ORF10)-BNCC

Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)(pET-32a(+)-ORF10)

  • Price: $143
  • number:BNCC354668
  • Packing:penicillin bottle
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Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)(pET-32a(+)-ORF10)
Culture medium LB + 50mcg/ml ampicillin: yeast extract 5.0g, peptone 10.0g,NaCl 10.0g, distilled water 1.0L,pH 7.0. Sterilization at 121 ℃ for 15min. After sterilization, ampicillin was added when the culture medium was cooled to 40-50 ℃ with a concentration of 50mcg/ml.
Subculture procedure 1. Prepare 1 sterile test tube of 5~10mL of liquid medium and 2 pieces of 90mm plates; 2. sterilizing of the penicillin-bottle, under aseptic conditions remove the aluminium cap and rubber plug, draw 0.5ml of liquid culture medium into the vial, blow to dissolve the bacterial tablets; 3. fully dissolved, transfer the solution to the liquid test tube, mix evenly; 4. inoculate a plate with 0.2ml of the solution, distribute it well in 200ml/plate; 5. Put all the plates and test tubes under the above culture conditions for cultivation, the plates are not allowed to seal by wrapping. The culture solution is obviously turbid after 18-24 hours, and this indicates the bacterial grows well; 6. If it does not grow in 18-24 hours, culture is continued until 72 hours is reached. And the strains can be used when they grow.
Growth conditions 37 ℃;18-24h; Aerobic;
Storage conditions -20 ℃
application pET-32a(+)-ORF10 plasmid extraction. Gene species: SARS-CoV-2
Sharing mode Public welfare sharing
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