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New coronavirus ribonucleic acid RNA quality control sample certificate
1. Product information
sample name: Novel coronavirus ribonucleic acid RNA quality control sample (low value)
Sample number: 359801
sample batch: 220602
2. Product features
3. Instructions
1. After the samples are thawed, they should be temporarily stored on ice at a low temperature, and avoid repaeated freezing and thawing. DNA/RNase-free centrifuge tubes and tips should be used during the experiment.
2. When using this standard material for ORF1ab gene measurement, please carefully verify the coordinates of the PCR primer sequences to be used in the novel coronavirus genome. Primer sequences cannot exceed the range of genomic coordinates described in the "Sample Preparation" section.
4. Precautions
1. After receiving the goods, please keep them properly. If there is any damage, please contact the center within 24 hours after receipt.
2. Please operate in a sterile environment and in a biological safety cabinet, and try to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
3. Pay attention to biosafety protection when using essential control products. It should be treated as a potentially biologically infectious sample, and the operation and handling must comply with relevant regulatory requirements: the Ministry of Health's 《General Guidelines for Biosafety of Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratories》and 《Medical Waste Management Regulations》.
5. Preservation and transportation
Long-term storage:-80 ℃, valid for 1 year; Transportation conditions: dry ice transportation.
Henan Engineering Technology Research Center of Industrial Microbial Strain
website: tel: 400-6699-833