Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa|BNCC353779 |BNCC

BeNa Culture Collection

Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-BNCC
Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-BNCC
Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-BNCC
  • BNCC
  • Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-BNCC
  • Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-BNCC
  • Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-BNCC

Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

  • Price: $115
  • number:BNCC353779
  • Packing:penicillin bottle;(1.4±0.3)× 10 3CFU/bottle
  • Form:
    Pale yellow, raised, moist, bright, G-bacilli
Essential Information Certificate Related Products
Quantitative strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Culture medium Nutritional gravy medium (NA/NB): beef paste 3.0g, peptone 10.0g,NaCl 5.0g, agar 20.0g (without liquid medium), distilled water 1.0L,pH 7.0. Sterilization at 121 ℃ for 15min. [Note] Adding 5 mg MnSO4 · H2O to culture Bacillus is beneficial to produce spores.
Subculture procedure (1) According to the culture conditions, the bacteria are first cultured into a bacterial suspension; ② Measure the absorbance of the bacterial suspension and calculate the initial concentration of the bacterial suspension according to the standard formula; (3) The initial concentration multiplied by the survival rate is the actual concentration after freeze-drying; (4) Dilute the bacterial suspension according to the actual concentration after freeze-drying to obtain the target concentration, and then subpack and freeze-dry;
Growth conditions 37 ℃, aerobic
Storage conditions -20 ℃
morphology Pale yellow, raised, moist, bright, G-bacilli
application Antibacterial preservative detection, efficacy test, quality control strain, rhamnolipid surfactant production
Sharing mode Public welfare sharing

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

No. :353779 / ATCC9027

Product format: quantitative bacteria tablets

Number of live bacteria : 1.0-2.0 x103CFU/bottle

Product batch : 191213

Valid until : 2020.6.14

Date of inspection : 2019.12.15

Sampling ratio : ≥2%

Report number : RS19353779-1

Biosafety level :2 ,handle in safety cabinet

td> span style = "font-size:14px;"> after quality inspection by BNCC quality control inspection system, the product is qualified

item description test result
staining microscopy Gram-negative, observe cell morphology under microscope G-bacilli
colony morphology observe single colony morphology light yellow, smooth, moist, raised
purity non-selective medium culture, colony observation and microscopic examination no bacteria
reference value of live bacteria non-selective medium plate, live bacteria count 1820CFU/bottle
phenotype and genotype analysis phenotypic testing, gene sequencing qualified
conclusion after quality inspection by BNCC quality control inspection system, the product is qualified  

Product list :1.0-2.0x10 3CFU quantitative strain 1 bottle, 1mL dissolved solution 1 bottle, strain certificate 1 copy;

Validity period : unopened, below -20 ℃, 6 months

Handling procedure:

1  Open the penicillin-bottle according to the arrow indication on the vial cap;
2  Transfer the strain tablets into the vial of solution, capped with rubber plug, and shake to dissolve
3  It will be 1.0-2.0x10 3cfu/ml after full dissolved, and use appropriate amount according to the operation demand
4  The bacterial tablets shall be used up once and shall not be retained once the penicillin bottled is opened.


1 This product is a quantitative strain. Improper storage conditions and handling procedure will affect the accuracy of the strain quantities. Therefore, please operate in strict accordance with the above mentioned instructions.
2  Waste generated from the handling process should be discarded after high-pressure sterilization

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